About 884 Clinch River Circle
Here's everything you need to get started. Whether for hiking & camping fun in the mountains, to stay your nights with friends in a really cool cabin when hunting, or for a place to hang while you build next new home, you could be quite comfortable right here. This site-built little cabin is efficiency in its interior style. Except for the half bath, it's all one room with ample area for the kitchen, bedroom and living area. Equipped with a wood-burning wood stove, the cabin will be toasty in winter. Set upon a hill on open ground you'll enjoy a gorgeous view of our NE TN mountains, beautiful open fields, and the Clinch River! Privacy comes from your own holler that runs up into two ridgelines, where the hunting is good, and additional building sites might be found. The holler is also a good spot for shooting ranges, long and short. A creek, that may be seasonal, runs through there and an old logging road will take you to the top. This is a special and unique place, with lots of extra storage in the sheds. Garden boxes have been built for growing your own food, and there's a very large, classic, country porch under roof with concrete flooring. Its about as big as the house and will add greatly to your lifestyle. Very private too, it is in the back facing into the holler. There's a well, electric, septic, and internet already in place, and even a place to park your RV. So, if any of the above sound like it might be a fit for you, then it's probably a good idea to come see it. The location is serene and very nice. It's convenient too, as everything you really need for living every day is right in town, less than a 10-minute drive. By the way, driving by is okay, but entering the property IS NOT, neither is it okay to knock on the door or approach the owner if they happen to be in the yard. Your agent needs to be with you, and they'll just need to call our office to do so. if you haven't hired an agent, you can call the office yourself and we will make arrangements